We will have changes that will limit the space for agents to sabotage their own country. Such a statement made today Mamuka Mdinaradze, Executive Secretary of the Georgian Dream, while talking about the tightening regulations in the Codes of Offenses.
“I will explain once again that we will not allow anyone to use the externally inspired, imposed changes accumulated over the years to limit the degree of independence of Georgia and prevent the Government from having the means to govern the country practically, and these fascist outbursts are realized in such a way that the state has no answer for this.
The state will have a strict response to this for the sole purpose that the Government elected by the people must have a real lever to govern the country in such a way that external forces and their agencies cannot even worsen economic growth. Slowing down the economy by 3 or 4% is no small task, we will get through it, these parameters have already been corrected, but why?
Why shouldn’t there be 10% in December and why should we have to fight with the agents internally, why shouldn’t we fight for even greater improvement of the economy and why should we be busy with these thing?
That’s why we will have changes that will limit the agents the space to sabotage its own country”, - said Mamuka Mdinaradze.