30 January 2025,   22:46
Technically, it takes only about a 1.5 - 2 years from opening negotiations to achieve EU membership, and no expansions to the East are anticipated by 2030 – Prime Minister

Technically, it takes only about a year and a half to two years from opening negotiations to achieve EU membership, and no expansions to the East are anticipated by 2030. Such a statement made today the Prime Minister of Georgia.

“This demonstrates the artificiality and offensiveness of the blackmail tactics employed by certain European politicians and bureaucrats regarding the negotiation process for Georgia.

Moreover, against this backdrop, Georgia is not asked for reforms, but only for steps that mean renouncing dignity. These are repealing the law on NGO transparency, repealing the law against LGBT propaganda, imposing sanctions, deliberately dismantling Georgia’s economy, releasing Mikheil Saakashvili, and so on.

We intend to pursue our path toward the EU with dignity. This reflects the mandate of Georgian society, represented by the more than 1,120,000 voters who have placed their trust in the Georgian Dream and its vision”, - said Irakli Kobakhidze.