The Parliamentary Delegation, headed by Givi Mikanadze, the Chair of the Education, Science and Youth Affairs Committee, serves a visit to Hungary.
Within the framework of the visit, the Delegation members met with Lőrinc Nacsa, the Head of the Hungary-Georgia Friendship Group of the National Assembly of Hungary, and László Pósán, the Chair of the Culture Committee.
At the meeting with Nacsa, the parties overviewed parliamentary links and collaboration between the Friendship Groups and sector Committees. The emphasis was placed on the significance of the Frame Agreement on Cooperation concluded between the Parliament of Georgia and the National Assembly of Hungary and the positive interparliamentary ties.
Mikanadze thanked his Hungarian colleagues for supporting Georgia’s territorial integrity and the European future. The significance of the enhancement of the interrelation between the two countries in the education, science and youth spheres was underscored.
The discourse included the necessity to encourage cooperation between the two countries’ higher educational and scientific-research institutions for joint participation in the EU Research and Innovation funding program “Horizon Europe” and the vitality of joint exchange youth camps and parliamentary diplomacy in this view.
Mikanadze invited Pósán to Georgia to plan joint activities and received a response commitment to visiting Georgia.
The Parliamentary Delegation is composed of Givi Mikanadze, the Chair of the Education, Science and Youth Affairs Committee; Giorgi Chakvetadze, his First Deputy; Paata Salia, the Deputy Chair; and David Matikashvili, the Chair of the Procedural Issues and Rules Committee.
The meeting was attended by the Ambassador of Georgia to Hungary and Montenegro, Tamar Liluashvili.