Discussion of the substance of the disagreements between Russia and Ukraine will only be possible after a complete ceasefire, we have never been closer to that than now. Such a statement made the Spokesperson of the US Department of State.
"There is one thing we„re working on: that`s a ceasefire. I have nothing to say about what comes after a ceasefire, which has to be manifested in full, and we are close to that. This is what`s fascinating. We`ve never been closer, a breath away, from a full ceasefire, and then – full stop – then a discussion about an enduring peace. It`s doable. Humanity has done it in the past, we can do it again, but it`s never – this is the time where there has to be new ideas, where this dynamic has to stop. What I can tell you in general – you mentioned the Black Sea – is we do have negotiating teams, of course. They`re meeting in Saudi Arabia to discuss broadening the ceasefire to the Black Sea on the way to the full ceasefire, which is always the prize – that`s the prize right now; there`s no other prize – to fully restore peaceful commercial activity. The Black Sea, of course, is key to that.
We are continuing contact with both Russia and Ukraine. We`re committing – we`re committed to continuing our work to bridge that gap. As the Secretary said repeatedly, both sides will have to make compromises as we are working in this ceasefire range. President Zelensky has agreed on a partial ceasefire against energy infrastructure and has reiterated his willingness to adopt a full ceasefire. And there`s certainly the aspect of, possibility of while these situations, these technical negotiations, are going on now, that we hope to see where the parties have landed. And our work is about coming to an agreement about how we`re going to make this happen, but the Black Sea is now directly discussed, and let`s hope we have some success here", - said Tammy Bruce.