12 December 2024,   03:55
Reorganization separates the Ministry of Culture and Sports into the standalone Ministries of Culture, and Sports

The amendments to the Law on the Structure, Authority and Activity Rules of the Government envisage the reorganization of the Ministry of Culture and Sports.

The Parliamentary Secretary of the Government, Vakhtang Bachiashvili introduced the key directions of the Draft. According to him, the Draft has been developed with the initiative of the Prime Minister, the objective of which is to establish two independent Ministries in the executive authorities system - the Ministry of Culture, and the Ministry of Sports.

Per his information, the amendments have been introduced within the Governmental Program submitted by the Prime Minister to the Parliament for the vote of confidence.

“Pursuant to the Draft, two Ministries are being set up as of January 1, 2025, namely, the Ministry of Culture becomes the successor of the current Ministry of Culture and Sports in the implementation of the culture policy, and the Ministry of Sports assigns the realization of the authorities assumed within the legislative frame of the respective field”, - he stated.

According to the Chair of the Sports Committee, Victor Sanikidze, these are the long-expected amendments in the sports society: “The legal initiative discussed by the Committee today is to be hailed and welcomed, since the amendments establish the Ministry of Sports as a standalone state body”.

The Committee unanimously approved the Draft Law on the Structure, Authority and Activity Rules of the Government and the deriving legal package.